How to Prevent Goods from Being Held Up at Indonesian Customs

Doing business in Indonesia can be a rewarding but challenging endeavor. One of the most common issues faced by entrepreneurs is having their goods held up at customs. This can lead to significant delays and financial losses. Here are some guidelines on how to navigate the bureaucratic red tape in Indonesia and prevent your goods from being stuck at customs.

Why Are Goods Held Up?

There are several reasons why goods might be held up at Indonesian customs. These reasons can range from high to low severity. High severity means your goods are actually prohibited from being imported into Indonesia, whereas low severity means that your imported goods might have incorrect paperwork.

Inexperienced Consignee for your Imported Goods

The consignee you engage in Indonesia for your imported goods may not have an import license or relevant supporting documents for import. Some specific goods will need more paperwork or documents in addition to just the import license.

Irresponsible Forwarder

The forwarder of your imported goods in Indonesia does not inform you about the required documents that you need to show to the customs. This is why your goods get stuck once they arrive in the territory of Indonesia.

Red Channel Inspection for your Imported Goods

Pemeriksaan Jalur Merah (PJM) is the red channel inspection in Indonesia. It is a physical inspection performed on selected imported goods in addition to the document verification.

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How to Prevent Goods from Being Held Up

Start Early

The customs process can take some time, so it’s important to start the process early.

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Keep Good Records

Keep all of the documentation associated with your import, including your import permit, certificate of origin, and shipping documents.

Be Patient

Patience is key when dealing with customs. It can be a lengthy process, but with the right preparation and patience, you can ensure your goods make it through customs smoothly.

Use a Global Customs Service

If you want to avoid that goods are held up in Customs, the best thing you can do is to ask for a global customs service through International Freight Transport and Customs, or to use a Global Trade Management service.

By following these guidelines, you can prevent your goods from being held up at Indonesian customs and run a seamless export or import business in Indonesia.

Please note that Indonesian import regulations are often changing, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest rules and regulations.

Indonesia Customs website here.
Collection of Indonesia customs consultations here.

Topic: Indonesia, Customs, Import, Export, Business, Trade, Regulations, Documentation, Inspection

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