How to Reimport Goods from Indonesia

Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, is rapidly developing and transforming, especially in its urban centers. With a population of over 270 million, most of whom are young, it stands as a significant hub for global trade. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to reimport goods from Indonesia.

Understanding the Import Process

Before reimporting goods, it’s crucial to understand the import process. The Indonesian government has streamlined the process of importing to Indonesia as part of its new Omnibus Law. Businesses now only require a Business Identification Number (NIB) to commence their import or export activities. The NIB can be obtained through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, reducing administrative burdens.

However, businesses should check with the Indonesian Harmonization System (HS) code, which is used to classify and calculate tax and customs rates on all types of items, before importing or exporting them.

Required Documents Reimport Goods from Indonesia

The following documents are required for shipment in Indonesia:

  • Invoice
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Certificate of Origin
  • Bill of Lading
  • Packing List
  • Insurance Certificate
  • HS Code
  • Material Safety Data Sheet

Read More: Understanding Postal Goods to PMK 96 2023 in Indonesia

Choosing the Right Freight Forwarder

An appropriate shipping partner may greatly affect the delivery experience when it comes to international shipment. For import to Indonesia, it is recommended to seek partners who possess the following qualities:

Reimporting Goods

During the reimport process, the importer submits an application for exemption from import duty to the Office Head where the goods are imported. This is done by attaching supporting documents to prove that the goods originate from Indonesia and the purpose of use abroad.

If you can’t import the goods that are stuck in the customs, you need to export them out of Indonesia and acquire the relevant documents/licenses before importing them to Indonesia again.

Baca Juga:  Customs Duties in Indonesia

Conclusion for Reimport Goods from Indonesia

Reimporting goods from Indonesia involves understanding the import process, preparing the necessary documents, choosing the right freight forwarder, and following the reimport rules. By understanding these steps, businesses can navigate the complexities of reimporting goods from Indonesia.

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only. For specific advice, please consult with a professional or legal expert.

Indonesia Customs website here.
Collection of Indonesia customs consultations here.

Topic: Indonesia, Reimport, Goods, Trade, Customs, Freight Forwarder, Import Process, Documentation

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